$628 Raised
of $17,600
 18 people will receive water thanks to...
Steve Rhodes$523.00
Valentina Gutchess$104.90
Donate Now

I hope you'll consider joining us to fund a water project. We are raising money to build a clean water well for the Ikuyuni Community in Kenya. We will be constructing a sand dam and an adjacent well. More details and photos of this village and this project can be found in this link: Ikuyuni Community

This community of about 1000 people, Ikuyuni Community, needs clean water close to home. They are currently walking several kilometers to a riverbed to dig into the sand to find and collect water. Or when the rains have been recent, they'll collect water that is still in the river channel (as shown in the photos below). That water is contaminated, and it's making them sick. The effects of drought, the long distance to a water source and other factors negatively impact the family's ability to grow crops, which in turn limits their income. It's hard even to cover school fees, which means that youth, especially the girls, may not be able to attend school regularly. With your gifts and your help rallying support, we can provide clean, safe and reliable water to a community in Africa. Today, too many children suffer needlessly - walking miles for dirty water that makes them sick. You and I can change that. Please make a donation and then help us spread the word.

Thank You, Nina and Kaytlyn

Steve Rhodes
Donated $523.00 on 05/04/24
Good Job Girls! Let's reach our goal soon!

The Water Project is a U.S.-based charitable organization unlocking human potential by providing clean, safe water to communities around the world.

Read More About The Work

How this works

Dirty water impacts health, education, women, and income. Providing a reliable and safe water source allows communities to thrive.

The Water Project provides access to safe and reliable water across sub-Saharan Africa. Together, our support can end the water crisis and restore hope, one community at a time.

The coolest part? We'll all get to see our impact! Every gift is directly linked to a specific water project and community. We'll receive updates including photos and stories, maps and more!

Lives change when communities gain access to clean water. Let's experience it together. Make a donation to my fundraising campaign today!