The Church in Africa is ready to make an eternal impact in their own communities.
But there's a huge obstacle in their way...a lack of clean water.
You can help bring clean water to African churches and help them restore true hope.
We're committed to supporting local churches whenever possible, so they can play their full role in the Body of Christ.
We believe churches are the single greatest means to changing lives forever. Through local congregations, relief and development assistance as well as a lasting hope is offered from within the community itself.
When obstacles like a lack of clean water prevent that from happening, we think it's our responsibility to act. If we can provide a clean water source, churches can directly meet a critical physical need in the community. This not only reflects the heart of God directly, since He continually shows His love for us in meeting our physical needs, but also provides the church with an avenue to convey the love of God in the gospel. Jesus often used ministry to physical needs to open the door for ministry to spiritual needs. His healing miracles restored the lives of individuals, but also helped establish His identity as the Anointed Son of God who came not only to heal physically, but to restore spiritually, purchasing our forgiveness and making us righteous by His sacrifice on the cross.
When the apostle Paul was reaching out on behalf of the church in Jerusalem, taking a collection for the poor suffering from a drought, he did it so that the church could continue to be everything God intended it to be.
By partnering in the work of the Church worldwide - by helping provide clean water - you are investing in the Kingdom in the same way.
Local congregations in Kenya, Rwanda, and Uganda are already caring for their communities. We want to help them do more, by providing clean, safe water.
Churches are a natural fit for a new public water source. Their doors are always everyone. They are already mobilizing and empowering communities. After all, who knows them better?
Local congregations have a unique ability to manage water projects in the long term too. With local leadership in place, organizing and overseeing a new well or water system is much more likely to succeed.
The church sees a better future ahead and is acting today to restore the Kingdom. You can help.
We work with our implementers to find water projects organized through churches and missions organizations whenever we can. Some run schools, medical clinics and community development programs too. We know the value of these holistic partnerships.
We've made it easy to get started. Here's a couple ways to get started...
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