This initial report is direct from our implementing partner (unedited):
This project is in collaboration with a self help group of 34 members who have come together to address the social problems facing them as a community, in particular lack of access to clean and safe water. They really need water for drinking, cooking and washing among many other uses. The animals will also make use it. The Chemoset Community women will also see to it as big relief as currently they walk long distances with donkeys looking for water for their domestic use.
The community access water from Kipsangui River which is over 2km away downhill. The river is contaminated by human activities such as bathing cloth washing and grazing animals hence making its quality poor and unsafe for human consumption. In some homes they have been boiling the water before use which has been costly. Many have just gone back to taking raw water hence becoming victims of water borne diseases.
The self help group consists of 35 members whereas there are 500 households in the area where Chemoset self help group operates who will also benefit from it directly.
The water committee will be formed as soon as possible, prior to hardware construction.