Latest Project Updates

Here's What our Teams Have Been Up to Lately
Namwaya Community Spring Protection Complete!
02/18/2025: Namwaya Community Spring Protection Complete!

Your contribution has made access to clean water for the Namwaya Community possible!

We transformed their spring into a flowing source of naturally filtered water. A chlorine dispenser wa...(see the project)

Kivou Secondary School Rain Tank Complete!
02/18/2025: Kivou Secondary School Rain Tank Complete!

Your contribution has given access to clean water for the Kivou Secondary School in Kenya, thanks to the completion of their 104,000-liter rain tank! Additionally, we installed handwashing stati...(see the project)

Ematetie Community Spring Protection Complete!
02/11/2025: Ematetie Community Spring Protection Complete!

Your contribution has made access to clean water for the Ematetie Community possible!

We transformed their spring into a flowing source of naturally filtered water, installed a chlorine d...(see the project)

Rogberay Community Well Complete!
02/11/2025: Rogberay Community Well Complete!

We are excited to share that your donation provided a safe, reliable well in The Rogberay Community. As a result, community members no longer rely on unsafe water to meet their daily needs. We c...(see the project)

St. Gerald Sasala Primary School Well Complete!
02/06/2025: St. Gerald Sasala Primary School Well Complete!

Your contribution has given access to clean water for the St. Gerald Sasala Primary School in Kenya, thanks to the completi...(see the project)

Khwihondwe Community Well Complete!
02/04/2025: Khwihondwe Community Well Complete!

Your contribution has given access to clean water for the Khwihondwe Community in Kenya, thanks to the completion of their borehole well! Clean, flowing water is already making a difference in t...(see the project)

Lukala Secondary School Well Complete!
02/04/2025: Lukala Secondary School Well Complete!

Your contribution has given access to clean water for the Lukala Secondary School in Kenya, thanks to the completion of their borehole well! Clean, flowing water is already making a difference i...(see the project)

Komrabai Community Well Complete!
01/30/2025: Komrabai Community Well Complete!

We are excited to share that your donation provided a safe, reliable well at Komrabai Community. As a result, community members no longer rely on unsafe water to meet their daily needs. We condu...(see the project)

Lukorido Community Spring Protection Complete!
01/28/2025: Lukorido Community Spring Protection Complete!

Your contribution has made access to clean water for the Lukorido Community possible!

We transformed their spring into a flowing source of naturally filtered water. A chlorine dispenser w...(see the project)

Mabalama Community Well Rehabilitation Complete!
01/28/2025: Mabalama Community Well Rehabilitation Complete!

We are excited to share that your donation provided a safe, reliable well at Mabalama Community. As a result, community members no longer rely on unsafe water to meet their daily needs. We also ...(see the project)

Shamberere Health Center Well Complete!
01/27/2025: Shamberere Health Center Well Complete!

Your contribution has given access to clean water for the Shambere Health Center in Kenya, thanks to the completion of their borehole well! Staff, patients, and their families are already using ...(see the project)

St. Augustine Indulusia Primary School Well Complete!
01/27/2025: St. Augustine Indulusia Primary School Well Complete!

Your contribution has given access to clean water for the St. Augustine Indulusia Primary School in Kenya, thanks to the completion of their borehole well! Clean flowing water is already making ...(see the project)