Latest Project Updates

Here's What our Teams Have Been Up to Lately
Museesu Community Sand Dam Complete!
08/20/2024: Museesu Community Sand Dam Complete!

Museesu Community, Kenya now has access to a new water source thanks to your donation! We constructed a new sand dam on the riverbed, which will build up sand to raise the water table and natura...(see the project)

Kabinjari Community Spring Protection Complete!
08/20/2024: Kabinjari Community Spring Protection Complete!

Kabinjari Community now has access to clean water! Thanks to your donation, we transformed their spring into a flowing source of naturally filtered water. We also installed a chlorine dispenser ...(see the project)

Musungu Community Spring Protection Complete!
08/20/2024: Musungu Community Spring Protection Complete!

Musungu Community now has access to clean water! Thanks to your donation, we transformed their spring into a flowing source of naturally filtered water. We also installed a chlorine dispenser to...(see the project)

Eshisari Community Spring Protection Complete!
08/15/2024: Eshisari Community Spring Protection Complete!

Eshisari Community now has access to clean water! Thanks to your donation, we transformed their spring into a flowing source of naturally filtered water. We also installed a chlorine dispenser t...(see the project)

Ngaaka Primary School Rain Tank Complete!
08/14/2024: Ngaaka Primary School Rain Tank Complete!

Ngaaka Primary School in Kenya now has access to a new safe, clean water source thanks to the completion of their 104,000-liter rain tank! In addition, we installed handwashing stations and trai...(see the project)

Emukhalari Community Spring Protection Complete!
08/14/2024: Emukhalari Community Spring Protection Complete!

Emukhalari Community now has access to clean water! Thanks to your donation, we transformed their spring into a flowing source of naturally filtered water. We also installed a chlorine dispenser...(see the project)

Mutwang’ombe Secondary School Rain Tank Complete!
08/13/2024: Mutwang’ombe Secondary School Rain Tank Complete!

Mutwang’ombe Secondary School in Kenya now has access to a new safe, clean water source thanks to the completion of their 104,000-liter rain tank! In addition, we installed handwashing stations ...(see the project)

Khwiyondwe Community Spring Protection Complete!
08/13/2024: Khwiyondwe Community Spring Protection Complete!

Khwiyondwe Community now has access to clean water! Thanks to your donation, we transformed their spring into a flowing source of naturally filtered water. We also installed a chlorine dispenser...(see the project)

Mivau Community Hand Dug Well Complete!
08/07/2024: Mivau Community Hand Dug Well Complete!

Mivau Community, Kenya now has a new water source thanks to your donation! We constructed a new hand-dug well adjacent to a new sa...(see the project)

Musola Primary School Rain Tank Complete!
08/07/2024: Musola Primary School Rain Tank Complete!

Musola Primary School in Kenya now has access to a new safe, clean water source thanks to the completion of their 104,000-liter rain tank! In addition, we installed handwashing stations and trai...(see the project)

Opportunists Industrialization Center Well Complete!
08/07/2024: Opportunists Industrialization Center Well Complete!

We are excited to share that there is now a safe, reliable borehole well at Opportunists Industrialization Center. As a result, (the students and) community members no longer rely on unsafe wate...(see the project)

Wambani Community Spring Protection Complete!
08/06/2024: Wambani Community Spring Protection Complete!

Wambani Community now has access to clean water! Thanks to your donation, we transformed their spring into a flowing source of naturally filtered water. We also installed a chlorine dispenser to...(see the project)