A Year Later: "Accessing water at the doorstep is amazing..."

September, 2023

A year ago, your generous donation helped Silungai Secondary School in Kenya access clean water – creating a life-changing moment for Ian. Thank you!

A Year Later:

Ian M., 17, recalled what life was like at Silungai Secondary School before his school's rain tank was installed last year.

"Accessing water before the intervention of the water project was a heavy, tiring task. We were being sent to the river to fetch water. Sometimes, we could miss class lessons as a result of going to the river to fetch water or being sent to spend a day in the sick bay due to being sick after taking contaminated water from the river," said Ian.

But life is much simpler for Ian and the other students at Silungai Secondary School now.

"Life in school is easy. Accessing water at the doorstep is amazing and has made our schooling life here so easy and enjoyable. My health standards have improved courtesy of this water project," continued Ian.

Having ready access to water from the rain tank has made a difference for Ian, allowing him the time and energy to focus on learning.

"It is not a matter of being lazy; my performance has significantly improved and will continue to improve until I become position one in my class," concluded Ian.

Thank you for helping Ian access clean water and improve his performance in school.

Right now, there are others just like him in neighboring communities that desperately need safe water access. Your support will immediately go to work to provide a clean water project - and we can't wait to introduce you to the next person you'll help.

Ian with his teacher at the rain tank.

See The Water Project in Ian's Community »

When you invest in The Water Project, you're investing in people like Ian. Your gifts help us reach more communities with the gift of clean, safe water. And every drop helps unlock potential.

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