A Year Later: Better Relationships and Cleaner Homes!

March, 2023

A year ago, your generous donation helped Musangaro Community in Kenya access clean water – creating a life-changing moment for Shaline. Thank you!

A Year Later: Better Relationships and Cleaner Homes!

Before we protected the spring in Musangaro last year, people had to scoop up water from a hole in the ground whose water was milky and brown.

"Getting water was time-consuming," recalled eight-year-old Shaline. "Whenever a number of people [would] go to the spring at the same time, the water would turn dirty, and you had to wait for quite some time before getting clear water again."

"I used to struggle a lot when going to fetch water," said 65-year-old farmer Gaudencia Omumasaba. "As you can see my age, my bones are getting tired. I clearly remember, during the rainy season, getting water was very problematic for me. I used to slide several times, and I also do remember spraining my ankle way back."

But now, the spring's water is protected from outside contamination, and it flows freely from the spring's discharge pipe.

"Getting water is more fun now," Shaline said. "And I can say my days are more happier since my mother doesn't have quarrels with me because of bringing water that is brown. She really used to despise water that appears contaminated. I can now be at peace with my mama. Sometimes I needed something from her, then I [would] remember I was on bad terms with her, [so] I had to shy away. But for a good couple of months, it has been really good."

Not only have relationships improved between family members and neighbors, but things at home have gotten easier for everyone.

"I have now achieved the level of cleanliness I really wanted for my household," Gaudencia said. "As you can see, you found me doing laundry. I just admire seeing my house, clothes, and utensils (dishes)—in fact, everything—neat and clean."

See The Water Project in Shaline's Community »

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