Diclaner, 15, recalled what life was like at the Kiviu Secondary School before his school's rainwater tank was implemented last year.
"We had experienced various problems related to water scarcity issues because [of] an insufficient water storage system in the school. Therefore, we did not have enough water for drinking, and meals would delay because there was no water in school. Washing our hands and classrooms was also challenging because water had to be used sparingly. The water in the tanks was also harvested from rusted iron sheets, which led to infections like stomach ache. I would go home on several occasions to seek treatment, which negatively [affected] my studies," said Diclaner.
Collecting water is simpler and more convenient for Diclaner and the other students at Kiviu Secondary School now.
"I do not spend much time looking for water since this water point is within the school. This has also offered [me] more time to improve my academic performance. The project has also enabled us to plant more trees in the school because we reuse the water in the troughs after washing our hands. It also feels good to have fresh, clean water in the school for drinking, and our meals are now prepared on time," Diclaner continued.
Having ready access to water from the rain tank has made a difference, allowing him to commit his time and energy to learning so he can build a brighter future.
"My grades have improved because I have sufficient time and energy to focus on my studies, thanks to the water point's close proximity. Hygiene conditions have also improved because this water point offers enough water for cleaning our classrooms and latrines, which has created a conducive environment for learning," concluded Diclaner.