A Year Later: Progress - from a well to piped water!

January, 2023

A year ago, your generous donation helped Shamberere Boys’ High School in Kenya access clean water – creating a life-changing moment for Calistus. Thank you!

A Year Later: Progress - from a well to piped water!

Last year, the students at Shamberere Boys' High School spent too much time searching for and collecting water instead of studying.

"We used to waste a lot of our time going for water outside the school, even at night, which was very risky," said 17-year-old Calistus M. "[Our] sanitation practices were very poor and hard because there was not enough water in the school for cleaning. Washing school uniforms was so stressful because of water challenges. Keeping in mind [that] the school is a boarding school where a lot of water is needed, not only for drinking but also for other things like [the] cleaning of dormitories, washing of clothes and using for bathing."

And since we initially installed the well last year, the school has made significant additions.

First, they safeguarded the facility by constructing a building around it. Then they replaced the hand pump with a mechanized submersible pump. Next, they elevated a tank on a platform so the water can gravity-feed pipes to a water tap. It is working out fantastically. And with the positive changes, everyone has the time and energy to put towards learning.

"Now, we are getting clean water from within [the school], and this has helped us concentrate on our studies, as opposed to [what] it used to be [like] before," said Calistus.

"Waterborne ailments are no longer something to be worried [about] because water is from [a] known source, which is also [being] treated on [a] regular basis. Now we can take a bath at any given time, as opposed to before, [when] taking a bath was a problem because of inadequate water within the school. Moreover, it has also improved time management, where we get to classes earlier. Also, we are using clean sanitation and learning in clean classrooms, which are very conducive for learning to take place as opposed to before

"The water point has helped me get enough time for my studies because we no longer have to go for water outside the school compound. Having plenty of time to concentrate on my studies, I am very optimistic [about] good performance that will enable me [to] transit to higher levels of education," concluded Calistus.

Calistus in front of the well house.

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