Eunice Katwesige, 42, recalled what life was like in Kimigi Nyabisojo Community before her community's well was installed last year.
"We used to move around 4 km (2.4 miles) to access water. I would spend a lot [of] time because of the queues and the surrounding environment around the waterpoint where I used to get water was very dirty, making it unsafe. Due to carrying heavy jerrycans for long distances, I would always get chest pains, putting my life at risk and spending money to buy painkillers for pain relief," said Eunice.
But life is much less burdensome for Eunice and the other community members in the Kimigi Nyabisojo Community now.
"With our new borehole, it takes me [a] very short time to access water. I now have access to safe drinking water, and this has helped me to reduce the waterborne diseases and the chest pains I used to get before. I can now drink water even before boiling it, which has helped save on the firewood," said Eunice.
Having ready access to water from the well has made a difference for Eunice, allowing her to improve her health and use her time for other important tasks.
"I started a backyard garden around my home because I can now access water to spray my garden. I hope this will help improve the balanced diet of my household and hence [bring] improved health," Eunice concluded.
Thank you for helping Eunice access clean water and create a brighter future for her family.
Right now, there are others just like her in neighboring communities that desperately need safe water access. Your support will immediately go to work to provide a clean water project - and we can't wait to introduce you to the next person you'll help.