A Year Later: Kapkoimur Secondary School

December, 2017

By saving a lot of costs that were spent on water, we have been able to employ school workers to help in school activities.

A Year Later: Kapkoimur Secondary School

A year ago, generous donors helped drill a well for the Kapkoimur Secondary School in Western Kenya. Because of these gifts and the contributions of our monthly donors, partners are able to visit project sites throughout the year, strengthening relationships with communities and evaluating the actual water project. These consistent visits allow us to learn vital lessons and hear amazing stories – we’re excited to share this one from our partner, Paul Weringa, with you.

The ongoing survival of many schools in Kenya is threatened if they are not able to provide water and sanitary facilities for the schools, yet it is difficult for parents to pay these expenses in addition to usual school fees. The Water Project and SAWASHI have targeted schools just like this because of the potential that can be unlocked for both students and staff when clean water and sanitation is available.

Paul Weringa turns on the well's tap for Deputy Principal Hesbon Teno.

In situations of clean water scarcity, such as in Kapkoimur, conflicts often arise between those who have access to water and those who do not. The projects at Kapkoimur Secondary School has helped to improve the relationships between the school and the community. Paul Weringa reports the many effects that the water source has had on school and community life: "Initially, there was conflict as a result of relying on one source which could not provide enough water for both [the school and the community]. As a result of this project, the school's enrollment has increased and a new stream has been introduced where a new block of classrooms is under construction. Expenditure on water has drastically reduced and the money is now redirected to other development activities. The school academic performance has improved as a result of water being in school. The students have enough time for studies. They no longer need to go out in search of water."

The school even upgraded the hand pump to a submersible pump through a decision to take part of a government initiative enabling easier access to the water. This upgrade is an exciting improvement because the water can now be accessed through a tap instead of the more labor-intensive pump, and with this change the school assumes full responsibility for monitoring and maintaining this water point.

Mr. Teno and one of his students, Amos Langat, standing in front of the pump and storage system connected to the borehole.

Amos Langat, a student at the school, shares, "I have stopped going to the river, therefore having enough time for studies.I no longer have issues with typhoid disease which affected me much when I used to drink the water from the stream. I am a healthy person since I began drinking water from the drilled well." Many of the students like Amos have experienced not only improvements in health, but also improvement in school performance. Hesbon Teno, the school’s deputy principal reports, "As a result of the drilled well in school, students have enough time for studies therefore a great improvement in their academic has been observed." He also conveyed the financial impact that the well has had, enabling the school to invest money in extensions to both offices and classrooms.

We are excited to stay in touch with Kapkoimur Secondary School and to report the impact that access to clean water and sanitation facilities continues to have in the lives of the Kapkoimur students, teachers, and surrounding community as they continue on their journey with clean water.

The Water Project and our partners are committed to consistent monitoring of each water source. Our monitoring and evaluation program, made possible by monthly donors, allows us to visit communities up to 4 times a year. Read more about our program and how you can help.

See The Water Project in Amos Langat's Community »

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