A Year Later: Safe from Waterborne Illnesses!

July, 2023

A year ago, your generous donation helped Lunyinya Community in Kenya access clean water – creating a life-changing moment for Glenda. Thank you!

A Year Later: Safe from Waterborne Illnesses!

Glenda A., 11, recalled what life was like in Lunyinya Community before her community’s spring was protected last year.

"It was difficult fetching water due to [the] crab infestation that would cause harm by biting us when fetching water," Glenda shared.

"Before the project, the water was dirty and contaminated, but now the water is clean. This has saved me from contracting diseases like bilharzia from the stagnant water," she continued. (Read more about Bilharzia here)

But life is much less worrisome for Glenda and the other community members in Lunyinya now.

Having ready access to water from the protected spring has made a difference for Glenda, allowing her to collect clean water without fear of illness.

"It has helped me have a comfortable mindset while at school because I used to waste time at the waterpoint, that could be instead used for studies," Glenda concluded.

Thank you for helping Glenda access clean water and giving back the time she once spent waiting for unsafe water. Now she can use her health and time to focus on her education and future.

Right now, there are others just like her in neighboring communities that desperately need safe water access. Your support will immediately go to work to provide a clean water project - and we can’t wait to introduce you to the next person you’ll help.

Glenda A.

See The Water Project in Glenda's Community »

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