A Year Later: "My Health is Good Now!"

January, 2022

A year ago, your generous donation helped Mahira Community in Kenya access clean water – creating a life-changing moment for Lynnette Adisa. Thank you!

A Year Later:

Farmer Lynnette Adisa, 28, commented, "Before the completion of the spring, we were always sick with typhoid, diarrhea, and stomachaches. I used a lot of money for medication."

Now that community members like Lynnette have access to clean, safe water, the number of waterborne diseases has diminished. "After the completion of the spring, the prevalence of waterborne diseases has reduced. My health is good now. I don't spend money on medication."

Lynnette continued to describe how the Anunda Spring protection has also improved her ability to earn income for her family. "I use the water to irrigate my crops when it is [the] dry season. When I sell the vegetables, I get some income for myself and the family."

Lynnette (far right) with other grateful community members at the spring.

See The Water Project in Lynnette Adisa's Community »

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