Giving Update: Emukangu Community, Okhaso Spring

February, 2021

A year ago, your generous donation helped Emukangu Community in Kenya access clean water – creating a life-changing moment for Godfrey. Thank you!

Giving Update: Emukangu Community, Okhaso Spring

"Before the project was completed, getting water here was a real hustle."

"One, the water was not clean because of the way we used to fetch it. Two, we used to suffer a lot of struggling just to get water. This is because there was a lot of overcrowding and struggle. For me as a child, this scared me because sometimes people could even fight."

"Three, there was a lot of time-wasting; one needed to spend a lot of time at the water point before getting water. This sometimes brought me problems at home because I could end up not doing all the chores my parents left, and this annoyed them when they returned home only to find that work was not done as planned."

"Right now, getting water from this water point has become so much easier. I love going to fetch water every time. This is because I am sure of getting clean water. Also, there is no more struggling at the spring because the time one needs to put his or her container under the discharge pipe has made everything easier, so nowadays I hardly get people struggling at this water point with no more time-wasting."

"This has impacted my life positively because I can do all the planned work on time since a lot of work that my parents normally leave me to help with involves using water, such as cleaning the house, giving water to the livestock, etc."

"Another way that this has impacted my life is that we now live as good neighbors. No more fights and quarrelling that used to happen at this water point."

"This water point has helped me to be more responsible because, since its implementation, I have no reason of delaying to do my work. Another way that this water point has also helped me is that I am able to accomplish my tasks and also get some time to play and socialize with my friends, then, later on, embark on my studies."

"My health and that of my family has really improved; no more waterborne diseases like typhoid that we used to suffer from and spend more time and money at the hospital seeking medication."

"Indeed, water is life."

See The Water Project in Godfrey's Community »

When you invest in The Water Project, you're investing in people like Godfrey. Your gifts help us reach more communities with the gift of clean, safe water. And every drop helps unlock potential.

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