Life at George Khaniri Kaptisi Mixed Secondary School has never been the same since the installation of their rainwater tank and sanitation project just over a year ago.
Most of the time that students previously wasted looking for water for cleaning is now spent studying. After the completion of the projects at the school, we got a lot of calls from the surrounding community members who requested for our artisan to come back and construct their own rainwater harvesting tank in their homes. We are glad that the surrounding parents and other community members have embraced the tank and positive hygiene behavior.
The students report really loving the tank more than the old, seasonal hand-dug well. They say that the water in the tank is easily accessible and saves time. We could spot the students drinking water and washing their cups and hands at the tank during the tea break.
After watching a disappointing string of previously attempted water projects, Teacher Eric Munene knows a successful water point when he sees one. Eric was excited to share his thoughts on the project with us when we visited.
"This project was a godsend to us," he said.
"We had tried to dig a hand-dug well which dried up. In addition to that, we went ahead to drill a borehole which also went dry and the pump sank into the hole. We had to convert the borehole area into a compost pit. The existing hand-dug well is seasonal with insufficient water. Since the [rain tank] was brought to the school last year, we have sufficient water throughout the rainy seasons."
For 18-year-old student Elijah Iravonga, the water and sanitation projects at his school have meant all the difference in his school routine and academic success.
"We used to crowd at the hand-dug well before the rainwater harvesting tank was constructed," Elijah recalled.
"Sometimes the well would dry out and we were forced to carry water from home or go to a seasonal spring in the evening. This would physically drain us and we would also go thirsty throughout the day because our water sources were not very safe for drinking. Right now we have plenty of water for drinking, cleaning, washing [dishes], and [washing] our hands after visiting the toilet."