Giving Update: Imuliru Primary School

July, 2019

A year ago, you funded a rainwater tank at Imuliru Primary School in Kenya – creating a life-changing moment for Phillip Mwanje. Thank you!

Giving Update: Imuliru Primary School

On a recent visit to Imuliru Primary School, we were happy to see how it is a very different place than it was just over a year ago when we first installed their water and sanitation projects.

That is by far the best change the school has experienced over the past year is how the rate of absenteeism caused by waterborne diseases has gone down. Availability of water in the school - which has reduced class disruption - is also a very welcome change here.

Head Teacher Fredrick Lwangu was certain that these WaSH projects have been a positive change agent at Imuliru, and that more good changes were to come.

"The biggest change is the stabilization of the education system in our school," he said.

"The average class attendance of the students has gone up and we are hoping...their grades [do too] eventually. The second thing is that time which was being wasted going to the river to fetch water has been minimized. More parents are enrolling their students in our school as a result."

"I can also say that the number of sick pupils as a result of waterborne diseases has gone down. We are happy and grateful that the project happened in our school and we are hoping to make even greater changes in the future."

Head Teacher Mr. Fredrick Lwangu

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For 13-year-old student Phillip Mwanje, the impact of the water tank has been deeply personal - and yet shared among all students here.

"The biggest change I have experienced is the increased time I have with my books," Phillip explained.

"Back then, almost all afternoon we would spend going to the river to get water but as of today, water is within the school and it gives me time to study in the afternoon. I can also access water easily and it is clean."

Field Officer Ian with student Phillip

Student Diana Avonga

Shamalago has clearly maintained its water tank well. The tank is in good condition and there is water in the tank. They have maintained an above-average level of hygiene and the school and tank environment is clean. Spotting children running to the handwashing stations after they used the latrines, we left with a heartfelt hope that just as Mr. Lwangu said, there would be even greater changes in store here.

Head Teacher Mr. Fredrick Lwangu, student Phillip Mwanje, and Field Officer Ian

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