Giving Update: Kasioni Community Hand-Dug Well

August, 2021

A year ago, your generous donation helped Kasioni Community in Kenya access clean water – creating a life-changing moment for Kithumbi. Thank you!

Giving Update: Kasioni Community Hand-Dug Well

We experienced several water issues. For instance, during the dry season, we had to travel 5 kilometers to the nearest river to acquire water for use. We could not conduct farming because the area was dry, and the little water we had was only enough to cook and drink. Hygiene and sanitation levels had also plummeted, thanks to the water scarcity.

Water scarcity problems have been reduced greatly. We could not practice farming in the past, but now I have grown food crops and cash crops, such as vegetables. This has offered financial security since I now have a source of income from selling crops to the other community members. Farming has also enabled food security in my area.

It has helped me acquire financial stability since my group sells vegetables to other community members, and that income enables me to be financially independent. We have also attained higher levels of hygiene and sanitation since we use the water to wash our hands, as well as clean garments and household items. It has offered a source of employment for my community since most of them have grown cash crops that they sell at a profit.

See The Water Project in Kithumbi's Community »

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