Giving Update: Madegwa Primary School

October, 2019

A year ago, your generous donation helped Madegwa Primary School in Kenya access clean water – creating a life-changing moment for Charity Kavita. Thank you!

Giving Update: Madegwa Primary School

On a recent visit to Madegwa Primary School, our team noted that the school's sanitation level has visibly improved since before the installation of their WaSH projects a year ago. Back then, the school grounds looked dirty, pupils were untidy since most had to go fetch water from their homes, and classrooms could only be washed once a week at most.

Since their rain tank, VIP latrines, and handwashing facilities have been installed, so much has changed. Students can wash their dishes after lunch and their classrooms every day. They also use the water from the rain tank for cooking and drinking which feels safer for them as there has been reduced absenteeism from waterborne diseases. These illnesses have also reduced according to the Deputy Head Teacher, Mr. Allan Lukao, since pupils do not have to stay home or ask for permission to go for treatment.

Charity Kavita is a 15-year-old student at Madegwa Primary who reflected on the changes the WaSH projects have had on her education over the last year.

Charity Kavita in front of the rain tank

"Pupils are no longer carrying water from home to be used in school. Water is available for sanitation activities like cleaning of classrooms and pit latrines. We no longer have coughs caused by dust from the classes as we sweep, [and we don't] even waste time to go draw water from nearby homesteads. Before the implementation of this project, waterborne diseases like dysentery were rampant. This is no more."

Charity with Deputy Head Teacher Allan Lukao in front of the rain tank

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