Giving Update: Madivini Primary School

July, 2019

A year ago, you funded a rainwater catchment tank at Madivini Primary School in Kenya– creating a life-changing moment for David Mulira. Thank you!

Giving Update: Madivini Primary School

Immediately upon entering the gate of Madivini Primary School, good hygiene practices are evident right from the entrance. Inside the school compound, you see the hand washing facilities at a strategic point where children are washing their hands after visiting the toilet. Small children are enjoying washing their hands after playing in the field since they were trained on how to wash their hands when they are dirty.

David Mulira, a 15-year-old student at Madivini Primary School, says his life has changed for the better since the rain tank and latrines were installed at his school.

"Since the projects were implemented in our school, we now access clean and safe water for drinking...Our health has improved since we now practice good hygiene," said David.
"I now have enough time for studies and [am] not wasting it anymore looking for water to carry to school for use. I believe by the end of this year...I will be among the best pupils [here]."

Deputy Headteacher Bonventure Akhwesa also highlighted the changes he has witnessed over the last year due to these water and sanitation projects at Madivini Primary School.

"The pupils now don't waste...time looking for water to use in school, but [instead they] have enough time with their teachers during class lessons. It has become a routine that no child goes to class before washing [their] hands after visiting [the] toilet. [The rate of] waterborne diseases [has decreased, and] the pupils' health [has increased by] accessing clean and safe water for drinking."

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