Giving Update: Mbuuni Primary School

October, 2019

A year ago, your generous donation helped Mbuuni Primary School in Kenya access clean water – creating a life-changing moment for Mwikali Mutisya. Thank you!

Giving Update: Mbuuni Primary School

Mbuuni Primary School community has been an excited group over the past year thanks to the school water tank that was constructed within their compound. Our team observed the students are more jovial and excited about the presence of the water tank in the school.

Students no longer carry containers of water to school, a duty that most of them despised because it was very cumbersome. At times the students were sent out of class to go and fetch water, which was a huge distraction to their education and academic performance. Currently, the students are happy about the tank because they are not sent out of class, water is readily available within the school compound.

"Availability of water in the school is no longer in our list of worries," said Deputy Headteacher Joshua Musimi.

"The tank has been resourceful in contributing to a safe and conducive learning environment for our students, in relation to that, we expect to record a revamp in their academic performances."

The school environment is well managed and maintained as the latrines and classrooms are washed often. Duties such as cleaning classrooms and latrines have been made easier because water is always available. The students also enjoy filling and emptying the handwashing facilities with water because they now comprehend the importance of washing hands with clean water.

"The water is very sweet for drinking and it is not salty. I concentrate more in class because I do not have to keep worrying about being sent out of class to fetch water," said Mwikali Mutisya, an 8-year-old student at the school.

As we left the compound we saw a few students washing their hands after visiting the latrines which is a good gesture of the assimilation of good hygiene habits by the students. It was a beautiful sight to behold.

See The Water Project in Mwikali Mutisya's Community »

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