Since the implementation of the WaSH projects at Mukunyuku RC Primary School last year, there have been many positive changes in the school, reported our team from a recent visit.
First, the school is clean and the students are able to access water easily from the tank, unlike before when they depended on the shallow well that was dangerous to the young students. The school's LifeStraw filters have water in them daily since they are refilled each morning. Students are allowed to use the water in the tank during the school day, after which the tap is locked. The pupils here are very happy with their tank and experiencing improved levels of personal hygiene, they told us.
Enrollment at Mukunyuku RC Primary School has increased, and the student retention rate has been high. School administrators say this is thanks to parents' trust in the water tank's clean water to provide for their children and enable better health and education.
The Head Teacher Mr. Kennedy Wesonga says that the parents are happy with him and the way their school is running thanks to these projects, and if he calls them for any meeting the response is 100% because they have seen the good work that has been done. This was especially demonstrated by the construction of 3 additional VIP latrines, spearheaded by the parents.
Head Teacher Mr. Kennedy Wesonga and the school board chair enjoying water from the rain tank
The collaboration between the school board and the school administration is good. We found the board chair at the school during our visit and he really appreciated the project and the positive impact it has had on the school community.
This school has not lacked water the entire year, thanks to the region's rainy season followed by the smart rationing of the Head Teacher Mr. Kennedy Wesonga, who controls the use of the rainwater when the rains recede. During the wet season, he has been allowing the school to use the water in the tank for all needs, but when the rains reduce he restricts the water in the tank for cooking and drinking purposes only. Cleaning and washing needs are then fulfilled by the water from the shallow well.
"[The] performance rate has improved; before implementation, the school was ranked second [to] last in the sub-county, but now they are moving towards the top," said Head Teacher Mr. Kennedy Wesonga. There have been so many good changes, Mr. Wesonga continued to explain.
"The perception of the general community about the school is positive. The school has become a center of reference to other schools who do not have [a water] project. [The] value of the school has increased, in that all the community desires their children to be enrolled in this school...The [student health] club members are being used to train other children on sanitation and hygiene. This has caused the project to improve in school. The unskilled laborers that assisted our artisan during the construction of [the] VIP latrines have constructed another VIP latrine [with] 3 doors for the boys with [a] lining. To promote hygiene, the school has placed a handwashing station with soap at the eating area which is used by students and the early childhood class."
John Bosco Obonyo is a 13-year-old student at Mukunyuku RC Primary School who took a moment to reflect with us on how these WaSH projects have impacted his experience as a learner over the last year.
"Initially, accessing water from the hand-dug well was dangerous and crowded. But since [the] tank is in school, we are enjoying fetching water. The water is clean and tasty. The water is treated and therefore safe to drink."
John Bosco Obonyo at the rain tank's tap with another student
After our two interviews with Mr. Wesonga and John, we could see the excitement of the teachers, board chair, and students in this school about their water point. The school has really embraced the project and every time we visit them for monitoring purposes, we are filled with happiness because there is water in the tank and handwashing stations and the latrines are clean from their daily washing.
At one point there was even a problem with the drainage area of the tank, but the school used its own resources and constructed a new drainage system with a pipe to allow water to flow away from the tap area while covered by the soil. You can hardly notice that such a pipe is even there.
Emmah Wekesa with student John and Head Teacher Mr. Wesonga