Giving Update: Tonkoya Village

February, 2021

A year ago, your generous donation helped Tonkoya Village in Sierra Leone access clean water – creating a life-changing moment for Lamin. Thank you!

Giving Update: Tonkoya Village

"Going through the woods to fetch water was like going through hell. However, there were too many fears of wild animals, and again we constantly get late for school and no time to study," explained 11-year-old Lamin.

"The completion of this project has prevented us from going through this woods, which was dangerous for us as children. But meanwhile, the pump we're using now is perfectly okay, effortless in pumping water, and it's very clean and fresh. This has positively impacted my educational aspect. I now have time to study and to rest."

"The completion of the water project has to help me to grow academically, and the hygiene and sanitation aspect of my life has improved greatly."


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