Giving Update: Kasioni Community Sand Dam

August, 2021

A year ago, your generous donation helped Kasioni Community in Kenya access clean water – creating a life-changing moment for Mutei. Thank you!

Giving Update: Kasioni Community Sand Dam

This area suffered from long drought periods which culminated in various water scarcity issues. We could not conduct farming or proper hygiene practices because there was insufficient water. My parents and other members of the community could travel up to 8 kilometers searching for water, which made it difficult to concentrate on other matters such as farming. This reduced our financial stability, because farming was rare.

We now have sufficient water from this waterpoint, which can sustain us even during the long drought periods. My hygiene and sanitation levels have also improved because water is enough to drink and clean. My parents have now participated in farming and have grown vegetables. This farming has improved food security and also offered a source of income. My parents can use the extra cash for my school fees.

My academic performance has improved since I live in a clean environment that supports learning. I have also achieved higher standards of hygiene because this water point offers a steady flow of water. My village now exhibits greener scenery, which was not the case in the past. I have also managed to protect myself against diseases such as COVID-19 because of the improved levels of hygiene.

See The Water Project in Mutei's Community »

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