$212 Raised
of $500
 6 people will receive water thanks to...
Mehran Khan$26.52
Katrin Hatukay$25.51
Donate Now

Join us in making a difference.

Your support is more than just a donation; it is a beacon of hope for those in need. It is a testament to the power of compassion and the difference we can make when we come together.

Every contribution no matter the size brings us closer to our goal, my aim is to inspire everyone and advocate the right to have access to clean water. With your support we can provide clean, safe and reliable water to a community in Africa.

Donated $26.95 on 07/10/24
Ya amar, may Allah grant you whatever you desire
Mehran Khan
Donated $26.52 on 06/21/24
May Allah grant you so much barakah for your work
Donated $6.96 on 06/14/24
May Allah SWT reward your effort sis

The Water Project is a U.S.-based charitable organization unlocking human potential by providing clean, safe water to communities around the world.

Read More About The Work

How this works

Dirty water impacts health, education, women, and income. Providing a reliable and safe water source allows communities to thrive.

The Water Project provides access to safe and reliable water across sub-Saharan Africa. Together, our support can end the water crisis and restore hope, one community at a time.

The coolest part? We'll all get to see our impact! Every gift is directly linked to a specific water project and community. We'll receive updates including photos and stories, maps and more!

Lives change when communities gain access to clean water. Let's experience it together. Make a donation to my fundraising campaign today!