For my senior project, I hope you'll consider joining me to fund a water project. With your gifts and your help rallying support, we can provide clean, safe and reliable water to a community in Sub-Saharan Africa.
I knew I wanted to center my project around this issue after I learned how water scarcity not only affects one's health but a whole community's education and economic standing. I felt deeply for all the teenage girls in these underdeveloped regions who forgo further educational opportunities because they are often tasked with the time-consuming job of fetching water everyday. As I continued my research, I learned that the issue of water scarcity still impacts 783 million people around the world. I was blown away that so many children and adults suffer needlessly - walking miles for dirty, contaminated water that just ends up making them sick. Unlocking clean, reliable water sources in these communities not only improves their way of life but unlocks an entire generations potential to break the cycle of poverty and create a chain reaction of good in this world.
Your donation will make a global difference and may well be the single hope that changes someone's future. Please help our local community make a meaningful change and take one step closer to ending the water crisis. Thank you!
Please continue to look around the charity's website and research information on the water crisis. Help spread the word so one day this issue no longer exists.
Donated $68.00 on 02/07/18
Donated $26.03 on 02/07/18
Donated $70.28 on 01/29/18
Donated $34.00 on 01/29/18