There are billions of people in the world who do not have access to clean water. If nothing is done the children in these communities will not attend school as it is more important for them to fetch water for their families, which can be miles from their village's (easily consuming their time that could be for education). Leaving the future of these communities un-educated.
If action is not taken by enough people it will be hard for there to be a tipping point, as there is organizations involved but far more people in need than there is help.
The possibility of an annual event (starting with the 1st of course) is a great way to get our community involved, meanwhile enrolling everyone in the truth behind the struggle of these villages.
Through this possibility we can assist altering the occurring of these young children & families, giving them the time back they need to have an educated & healthy future. which in return can lead to more world leaders!.
Donated $800.00 on 02/22/18
Donated $70.28 on 02/12/18
Donated $70.28 on 09/11/17