$382 Raised
100% of $300
See The Project
 11 people will receive water thanks to...
John Ricotta$78.80
Heather Miara$26.50
Rachel Lee$21.30
Paul Centorame$41.06
Donna Chen$26.50
Josephine Lin$100.00
Kimarie Yap$51.75

In the mess of our current world, I think about how lucky I am to not have to worry about where I'm getting my next drink of water. This is my third birthday fundraiser with The Water Project to help provide access to clean and safe drinking water to a community that faces huge barriers and lack of access. You can see my previous fundraisers below and the huge positive impact they had on so many people.

I'd love to raise money for another campaign for my 26th birthday. It's an amazing cause and I hope you'll consider joining me to fund a water project. They're really transparent about what the donations are used for and you can track the progress of the water project over time.

Today, too many children suffer needlessly - walking miles for dirty water that makes them sick. You and I can change that. Please make a donation and then help me spread the word. 

In 2016: The funds went towards building a well and handpump for a community of 450 people in Western Kenya. This was built outside of a school where students and teachers previously had to walk miles to find any source of drinking water that was often dirty and contaminated, affecting the students' academic performances and health. Since the building of this well, students and teachers have easier access to clean, safe drinking water and can focus better on their studies. You can see that 2016 project with pictures here:


In 2021: The funds went towards building a rainwater catchment tank to collect rainwater for drinking, handwashing stations, and better bathrooms for the Kabinjari Primary School in Western Kenya. The school members helped collect materials and build this project and they're so proud of the work they built together from the ground up. Previously, students would have to walk miles up and down dangerous hills to retrieve water from a small spring. And what broke my heart was reading about how students would get into fights over water if one of them dropped their water canister that they just went to fetch. Now they have a huge reservoir of water right outside their school. You can see that 2021 project with pictures here:



John Ricotta
Donated $78.80 on 06/16/22
John & Kathy Ricotta
Heather Miara
Donated $26.50 on 06/15/22
Happy Birthday, Kimarie!!
Paul Centorame
Donated $41.06 on 06/15/22
happy birthday kimarie! thank you for doing this <3

The Water Project is a U.S.-based charitable organization unlocking human potential by providing clean, safe water to communities around the world.

Read More About The Work

How this works

Dirty water impacts health, education, women, and income. Providing a reliable and safe water source allows communities to thrive.

The Water Project provides access to safe and reliable water across sub-Saharan Africa. Together, our support can end the water crisis and restore hope, one community at a time.

The coolest part? We'll all get to see our impact! Every gift is directly linked to a specific water project and community. We'll receive updates including photos and stories, maps and more!

Lives change when communities gain access to clean water. Let's experience it together. Make a donation to my fundraising campaign today!