Help Fund a Water Project

Together, we can unlock potential in a developing community by providing clean, safe water.

Hola! Bienvenidos a mi pagina personalizada , aqui podran contribuir por una causa mas que justa, el acceso al elemento basico de la vida humana: El agua.

Todos tenemos derecho a tener acceso a este liquido tan preciado, pero ante todo que sea potable para el consumo. Hoy quise unirme a esta pagina y colaborar con mi esfuerzo y tiempo sin pensar en una retribucion. Todo lo donado va directamente a la fundacion. Pienso que como seres humanos no debemos pasar por alto las necesidades del que esta al lado, de nada sirve lamentarse de las desgracias, las guerras o la hambruna si no vamos a mover un dedo por un cambio. Todos...todos podemos siempre contribuir de alguna forma, al unirnos veremos que las metas se logran. Ninguna donacion es poca, todo cuenta. La pagina esta con el nombre de mis hijos por que ellos seran parte de esta busqueda de recaudacion, es parte de ensenarles el ser solidario con los demas...gracias infinitas!

Who's Helping?

Will You Join Us in Giving Clean, Safe Water?

Why It Matters

Access to clean, safe water unlocks potential

Did you know nearly 1 billion people don't have safe water to drink?

Together, we can change that. Let's fund a new source of drinking water for those who suffer needlessly without it!

Our gifts will be used to construct or rehabilitate a water project, like a well or sand dam, in Africa. We'll see pictures, GPS coordinates, and updates as they come in from the actual water project we fund so we can celebrate the results along with the community we help.

About The Water Project

The Water Project, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization unlocking human potential by providing clean, safe water to communities around the world who suffer needlessly without.

Working with local partners in countries like Kenya, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, and Uganda, we build long lasting water projects that are organized, owned and managed by the communities receiving them.

Together, with our partners we identify, implement, report on and follow up on every project. Then we share the whole story with you to inspire confidence in the work being done and the impact it has.