This year as STORM CHASERS at VBS 2019, we are walking out the steps to be a good and caring neighbor in the world. We will be funding a water project - an effort to provide clean, safe, and reliable water to a community in Africa. With your gifts and rallying support, we can "motivate one another toward acts of love and good works" to make a difference! [Heb. 10:24]
Globally, 1 in 9 people still have no access to clean water and it is a daily and crippling challenge. Over half of the developing world's primary schools are without access to clean water and sanitation.
Education - When students are freed from gathering water, they return to class. With proper and safe latrines, girls stay in school through their teenage years.
Health - Safe water, clean hands, healthy bodies. Time lost to sickness is reduced and people can get back to the work of lifting themselves out of poverty.
Hunger - Access to water leads to food security. With less crop loss, hunger is reduced. Schools can feed students with gardens, reducing costs.
Poverty - Access to water can break the cycle of poverty. The communities we serve are ready to grow. We can't wait to see how they choose to do it.
I hope you'll consider joining us STORM CHASERS this year at VBS to fund a water project. Together, in partnership, we can have a maximum impact and leverage our resources for the good of others and to GOD'S GLORY. Please make a donation and then help me spread the word.
Thank you!
Donated $68.00 on 08/12/19
Donated $35.29 on 07/31/19