42 Kilometer
rennen ist verdammt lange, trozdem wurde ich durch diverse Freunde „motiviert“
den Gold Coast Marathon zu rennen.
Anfang Januar hab ich angefangen zu trainieren. Der erste Trainingslauf
war 6km lang und hat sich ganz gut angefuehlt.
Nach ca. 3 Wochen habe ich meinen ersten langen Trainingslauf gemacht –
15 km – und ich hatte mir direkt ueberlegt das Training wieder abzubrechen und
das Projekt Marathon auf Eis zu legen. Ich
hatte kein Wasser mitgenommen und war komplett dehydriert – und ja, du hast
richtig geraten – hab mich ziemlich besch*ssen gefuehlt. Waehrend ich mich selbst bemitleidet hatte
wurde mir jedoch bewusst, dass 15 km zwar recht lange ist, jedoch andere
Menschen jeden Tag mehr als 15 km laufen muessen, um ueberhaupt Wasser zu
haben. Ich moechte mit meinem Marathon
dazu beitragen, diese Situation zu verbessern und brauche dafuer eure
Hilfe. Ich sammel Spenden fuer das
Wasserprojekt, das dabei hilft Brunnen in Afrika zu bauen, so dass Menschen
nicht mehr stundenlang laufen muessen, um Wasser im tagtaeglichen Leben zu
haben. Es waere toll wenn ihr das
Projekt unterstuetzen wuerdet.
Der Marathon ist
am 3. Juli 2011, also in ca 10 Stunden und ich habe seit ca. 3 Wochen eine
Entzuendung im Knie. Es besteht also die
Moeglichkeit, dass ich den Lauf nicht beenden werde. Es waere trotzdem super,
wenn ihr das Projekt unabhaengig davon unterstuetzen wuerdet.
To run 42 kilometre is pretty long, however, some of my
friends ‘motivated’ me to run the Gold Coast Marathon. I started training beginning January. My first run was about 6 km and felt pretty
good. After about 3 weeks, I did my
first long run – 15 km – and immediately thought about quitting training and
not doing the marathon. As we did not
take water on the run, we were completely dehydrated and – yes you guess right –
felt like sh*t. While I felt pity for
myself, I realised that 15 km is quite far, and there are people in the world
that need to walk this far every day just to have water. Therefore, I would
like to use my marathon to ease this situation and make the world a better
place. However, to do so, I need your help.
I am fundraising money for ‘the water project’, which drills wells in
Africa to make water available to smaller communities, so people don’t need to
walk for hours just to have access to water in their daily life. It would be
great if you would support the project.
The marathon happens on the 3rd of July 2011 –
this means in about 10 hours – and my knees are inflamed. So there is a chance
I won’t be able to finish the run. Still, it would be great if you would
support the project.
Date | Donor | Amount | Message |
07/21/11 | Mona Kazoun | $65.00 | |
07/11/11 | Olan Scott | $50.00 | Nice work Mr Kunkel |
07/04/11 | Andrea Volkamer | $21.00 | Well, I ran a half marathon last weekend. Touched by Thilo's commitment to the water project and the realization that 21 km is already quite far, I decided to donate 1$ for each km I ran! |
07/04/11 | Daniel Wagner | $42.00 | As promised, 1 Dollar for each km! Well done, buddy, I'm proud of you! |
03/06/11 | Laura McNamara | $20.00 | Love that you're aligning yourself with a good cause and giving back! |
03/05/11 | Thilo Kunkel | $50.00 | The start: Yeah, 5 people clean water for 10 years, awesome. |
Did you know nearly 1 billion people don't have safe water to drink?
Together, we can change that. Let's fund a new source of drinking water for those who suffer needlessly without it!
Our gifts will be used to construct or rehabilitate a water project, like a well or sand dam, in Africa. We'll see pictures, GPS coordinates, and updates as they come in from the actual water project we fund so we can celebrate the results along with the community we help.
The Water Project, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization unlocking human potential by providing clean, safe water to communities around the world who suffer needlessly without.
Working with local partners in countries like Kenya, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, and Uganda, we build long lasting water projects that are organized, owned and managed by the communities receiving them.
Together, with our partners we identify, implement, report on and follow up on every project. Then we share the whole story with you to inspire confidence in the work being done and the impact it has.