Water Projects

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Mwiyala Community
A spring protection system is being built for a community in Kenya.
Country: Kenya  Project Type: Protected Spring
Status:  Completed
Watuka Community
New Well Projects in Kenya.
Country: Kenya  Project Type: Dug Well and Hand Pump
Status:  Completed
Kwa Mwatu Kyangwasi Community
New Well Projects in Kenya.
Country: Kenya  Project Type: Dug Well and Hand Pump
Status:  Completed
Coleb Primary School
A new well for a Community in Uganda.
Country: Uganda  Project Type: Rainwater Catchment
Kyabagyeni II Village
A new well for a Community in Uganda.
Country: Uganda  Project Type: Borehole Well and Hand Pump
Rwozi Village
A new well for a Community in Uganda.
Country: Uganda  Project Type: Borehole Well and Hand Pump
Wangu Community
A new sand dam for a community in Kenya.
Country: Kenya  Project Type: Sand Dam
Status:  Completed
Emukhuya Community
Improved rock catchment and piped system in Kenya.
Country: Kenya  Project Type: Rainwater Catchment
Status:  Completed
Well repair in Kenya #4270
A well being repaired for a community in Kenya.
Country: Kenya  Project Type: Well Rehab
Status:  Canceled/Re-Allocated
Well repair in Kenya #4271
A well being repaired for a community in Kenya.
Country: Kenya  Project Type: Well Rehab
Status:  Canceled/Re-Allocated