Water Projects

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Kisalizi Community
A new well for a community in Uganda.
Country: Uganda  Project Type: Borehole Well and Hand Pump
Status:  Raising Funds
Kityedo Community
A new well for a community in Uganda.
Country: Uganda  Project Type: Borehole Well and Hand Pump
Status:  Raising Funds
Muro Kaziramaiga Community
A new well for a community in Uganda.
Country: Uganda  Project Type: Borehole Well and Hand Pump
Status:  Raising Funds
Kyanga Community
A new well for a community in Uganda.
Country: Uganda  Project Type: Borehole Well and Hand Pump
Status:  Raising Funds
Ematetie Community 4
A spring protection for a community in Kenya.
Country: Kenya  Project Type: Protected Spring
Status:  Raising Funds
ASDF Hand-Dug Well Template
A new hand-dug well for a community in Kenya.
Country: Kenya  Project Type: Dug Well and Hand Pump
Status:  Raising Funds
FOTF Community Borehole Template
A new well for a community in Kenya.
Country: Kenya  Project Type: Borehole Well and Hand Pump
Status:  Raising Funds
FOTF Spring Template
A spring protection for a community in Kenya.
Country: Kenya  Project Type: Protected Spring
Status:  Raising Funds
Kaliluni Mtunze Punda SHG Dam
A new hand-dug well for a community in Kenya.
Country: Kenya  Project Type: Dug Well and Hand Pump
Status:  Raising Funds
Kiliku Sand Dam SHG Dam
A new hand-dug well for a community in Kenya.
Country: Kenya  Project Type: Dug Well and Hand Pump
Status:  Raising Funds