Thank You!

Now, get connected to see the good you've done.

We can't thank you enough for getting involved! Potential is about to be unlocked. Lives will change.

Please check your email!

In a moment, you'll receive an email receipt with a project tracking link.

Please hold on to these emails for your tax records and to keep up-to-date with your water project. If you don't get them, please contact us or call 1-800-460-TWPI.

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Your Personalized Impact Snapshot

Hold the beautiful impact of your generosity in your hands!

Our newest tool to connect you, your giving and the people you serve is now available in the App Store.

Download the app, enter the email address you just gave with, and see your impact as it happens!

Download the FREE App Today!



Know how thankful we are

Without you, none of this would be possible.

Everyone is grateful.

We hope you'll stay connected so you can see the impact of your generosity as the project unfolds. We promise it'll be an incredible story to share.

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