Nzatani Water Project Completed

Project Overview
Project Update - October 2007
Project Update - Tank Completed
Where It Is

Nzatani, Kenya Water Tank brings access to clean waterThe Water Project water tank at Nzatani is now complete!

This picture was taken as the last coat of concrete was applied in early December 2007.

After the concrete cures, the tank will be painted. The final step in the water project will be to attach gutters and pipes to the adjoining building to catch rainfall and fill the tank.

All work is expected to be complete by the "short rains" season of late November-December. The village of Nzatani, like Makivenzi, will soon be celebrating access to clean water.

We hope to have a set of photos and a report from the field by early Spring showing the fully functional system.

Thanks again to all of you who sponsored this water project.