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Here's What our Teams Have Been Up to Lately
Musango Community Project Complete
05/24/2018: Musango Community Project Complete

Musango Community now has clean water! Ham Mwenje Spring has been transformed into a flowing source of clean water thanks to your donation. The spring is protected from contamination, five sanit...(see the project)

Clean Water in Musango Community
05/24/2018: Clean Water in Musango Community

Musango Community now has clean water! Dawi Spring has been transformed into a flowing source of clean water thanks to your donation. The spring is protected from contamination, five sanitation ...(see the project)

Lwenya Community Project Complete
05/23/2018: Lwenya Community Project Complete

Lwenya Community now has clean water! Warosi Spring has been transformed into a flowing source of clean water thanks to your donation. The spring is protected from contamination, five sanitation...(see the project)

Erusui Secondary School Scheduling
05/23/2018: Erusui Secondary School Scheduling

Artisans arrived at Erusui Secondary School late this month. This will delay our training since we prefer to use the completed tank and latrines during our management and care demonstrations. Pl...(see the project)

Nambatsa Community Project Underway
05/22/2018: Nambatsa Community Project Underway

Dirty water from Odera Spring is making people in Nambatsa Community sick. Thanks to your generosity, we’re working to install a clean water point and much more.

Get...(see the project)