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People Today
Water Points
Water Flowing
The initial project in this community (seen in the reporting found on this page) is a display of our shared commitment to helping this community with first time w...(see the project)
Mayaya Community, Sierra Leone now has a well that provides clean water throughout the year, thanks to your donation! Hundreds of people are no longer stranded without enough clean water during ...(see the project)
Ebubayi Secondary School in Kenya now has a new source of safe, clean water thanks to your generous donation. A new rainwater catchment system has been built, and there are now six new latrines ...(see the project)
St. Martha Mwitoti Secondary School in Kenya now has a new source of safe, clean water thanks to your generous donation. A new rainwater catchment system has been built, and there are now six ne...(see the project)
Karuli Community in Kenya will soon be transformed by the construction of a sand dam. The dam will build up sand and eventually catch rainwater to help raise the water table in the area, providi...(see the project)