We’re moving your donated funds into place to begin digging four new wells, three of which will be at schools. These new freshwater wells are being dug near Kendu Bay in Kenya. Each of them will serve between 1,500 – 2,000 people, mostly students.
Our team in Kenya hopes to have the drill bits spinning this week. The rainy season is fast approaching and the soil in this particular area must be dry to drill in.
We’re excited to see the pace of this particular project picking up speed now, as expected. With two fully functioning rigs, the work should be finished in good time.
Who Helped?
If you contributed to the Wells for Schools:Kenya Campaign after July 2008, you are funding the school wells! Anyone giving to “Change Christmas” in the early part of December is helping with the community well.
…Stay tuned for updates.
[xmlgm {http://thewaterproject.org/kmz/kendu.kmz} zoom=15]
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