Thank You, and a Celebration

Wednesday, March 27th, 2024

Last Friday, March 22nd, was World Water Day. 

We wanted to thank our supporters and donors for the absolute outpouring of generosity we witnessed last Friday. Not only did we meet our fundraising goal, but we exceeded it! That’s thanks to incredible donors like you who know how vital water is. We are so incredibly grateful to everyone who donated and raised awareness!

This World Water Day, we raised $14,660. With our doubling donation match, that’s nearly $30,000 in support of our Southeast Kenya program, fighting drought. We can’t wait to see the impact of this tremendous day — and to share it with everyone who donated.

We’re also thankful our Director of Program Spencer Bogle happened to be visiting Western Kenya during the grand World Water Day celebration that took place in Vihiga County, Kenya, at Evojo Secondary School, where we installed a rainwater harvesting tank in 2017.

World Water Day is set aside by the United Nations every year to bring special attention to the world’s ongoing water crisis. This year’s theme was “Water for Peace.” The amount of community stakeholders gathered, all deeply invested in spreading water access within Vihiga County in Kenya, displayed water’s unifying power during last Friday’s celebration.

Hydrogeologist Brian Otieno and Assistant Hydrogeologist Gladys Akinyi demonstrate the technology The Water Project uses to verify sites for borehole well drilling in Western Kenya.

In the video below, you’ll see the Evojo community members welcoming their guests with song and dance, as well as speeches by Regional Director Humphrey Buradi, Director of Program Spencer Bogle, and Governor of Vihiga County, His Excellency Dr. Wilber Ottichilo.

While The Water Project still has work to do to ensure that every home, school, and health center has access to safe, reliable water within Vihiga County, this event served to remind everyone how far we’ve come. 

Since The Water Project started work in Western Kenya in 2009, we have installed 1,399 water points there, with each one bringing hope, prosperity, and peace to each surrounding community. With the help of donors like you, we hope to spread that peace and prosperity through all of our service areas.

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Jamie Heminway

Jamie is a storyteller by nature. In joining the Water Project, she’s finally found a workplace where that pesky bleeding heart of hers can be put to use (and, less importantly, that BA in English Language & Literature from New England College).