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Looking Ahead: Key Initiatives and Innovations for 2025

Tuesday, January 14th, 2025

At The Water Project, we believe innovation and strategic planning are key to addressing the water crisis in sub-Saharan Africa. With new ideas and plans to move our mission forward, we know we’re doing our best to bring safe, reliable water, hygiene, and sanitation to all the communities we hope to reach in Kenya, Sierra Leone, and Uganda.

In 2025, we are excited to launch several groundbreaking initiatives that will enhance water access, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) across our service areas. Here’s a glimpse at what’s ahead!

Solar-Powered Water Systems

This year, we will implement our first solar-powered piped water system in Western Kenya. Because we’ve implemented solar projects in Southeast Kenya and Sierra Leone with astounding success, we hope to replicate this success in both Western Kenya and Sierra Leone in 2025.

The Water Project’s vision of complete water coverage includes on-site safe water access at every healthcare facility. This is why we’ve chosen to implement our two 2025 solar projects at such facilities. Safe water, sanitation, and hygiene resources are critical for them to provide safe services like hygienic births that reduce sepsis and infections, and to maintain confidence in health services among the community.

We’re implementing a comprehensive healthcare facility coverage plan aligned with international standards, including:

These efforts also require significant collaboration with local ministries of health, water, and environment. To ensure the highest quality interventions, our staff (both in the US and in Africa) is engaged in ongoing training through the Global Water Center and sector experts from the Millennium Water Alliance. Additionally, our partnerships with organizations like Water Mission are helping us perfect solar-powered system designs, maintenance protocols, and community engagement strategies.

These initiatives reflect our commitment to using renewable energy to power sustainable and reliable water systems, transforming lives in healthcare facilities and surrounding communities.

Western Kenya: 

This system will include a high-yield borehole equipped with a submersible pump powered by solar panels. Water will be pumped to two raised tanks serving distinct needs:

  • Tank 1: Will supply safe water for drinking, medical use, and handwashing at the healthcare facility.
  • Tank 2: Will distribute water to a community kiosk along the facility’s fence, with revenue from affordable water sales funding system maintenance.

We are still working on designating a location for this project. The facility must have enough underground water to fully take advantage of such a high-capacity water supply. We will ultimately select the site by analyzing hydrogeological surveys completed by our Western Kenya staff members.

An in-line chlorination system will ensure water safety and separate latrines for staff and patients will be constructed with local government collaboration. 

Sierra Leone: 

Our second solar-powered piped water system will be installed at the Pepel Health Clinic in Kaffu Bullom, Sierra Leone. 

Pepel Health Clinic’s current water source, which experiences frequent expensive breakdowns that are difficult to repair.

Two hand-dug boreholes will supply water:

  • One borehole will house a solar-powered submersible pump to supply a raised tank for clinic use, including drinking, medical procedures, and sanitation.
  • The second borehole will be fitted with a hand pump for patient access.
A tank from a similar solar water system in Rotifunk, Sierra Leone.

In partnership with the local government, we will also ensure the septic tanks are pumped, latrines are functional, and sanitation facilities are operational.

Shock Chlorination 

In Uganda, we are piloting shock chlorination to address wells contaminated with E. coli. While we minimize bacterial contamination by constructing our wells far from latrines and farms, pathogens can still contaminate drinking water. Shock chlorination is an innovative way to counteract bacterial contamination when it happens.

“We are testing shock chlorination as a response to wells that show the presence of E. Coli,” explained Uganda Program Officer Tom Murphy. 

“When a test shows a contaminated source, our local teams would shock chlorinate the water, wait a few days, and then re-open the well for community use. Then, they will conduct a follow-up test about two weeks later to ensure that the water is free of contamination. The waiting period is to allow the chlorine to completely dissipate and know for sure if the contamination was resolved entirely.”

In Sierra Leone, a significant shift is underway in our chlorination program. Starting this year, communities will assume financial responsibility for chlorination services, previously funded by The Water Project. 

“In the past, we covered biannual shocks for every water point and communities had to pay if a water point needed additional shocks for water contamination,” Tom explained. “Starting this year, communities will pay for all chlorination. Community members and water user committees were notified late last year and the first round of chlorination will take place from April to June. 

“This is a small but important step towards establishing sustainable water point management systems where the responsibility of upkeep is held by communities, schools, and healthcare facilities,” Tom continued. “Sustainability steps like this free up time and financial resources to provide more water points in other parts of Sierra Leone. The team is working hard with local leaders and community members to establish water points that are fully supported on their own once they are constructed.”

Commitment to Long-Term Impact

Every initiative we’re undertaking in 2025 is designed to address immediate water needs while fostering long-term sustainability. From harnessing solar power to supporting community-led maintenance systems, The Water Project is dedicated to making clean water accessible and reliable for all. With your support, these innovations will bring transformative change to healthcare facilities, schools, and communities across sub-Saharan Africa.

Together, we can create a future where everyone has access to safe, reliable water. Let’s make 2025 a year of impact and progress!

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Jamie Heminway

Jamie is a storyteller by nature. In joining the Water Project, she’s finally found a workplace where that pesky bleeding heart of hers can be put to use (and, less importantly, that BA in English Language & Literature from New England College).