A Year Later: A Safer Place to Dwell!

July, 2023

A year ago, your generous donation helped Mukaniro Community in Kenya access clean water – creating a life-changing moment for Halima. Thank you!

A Year Later: A Safer Place to Dwell!

Halima S., 17, recalled what life was like in Mukaniro Community before her community's spring was protected last year.

"The spring was open and risky to us young ones because most of [the] time before we collect[ed] water, you may find us play[ing] near the water making it too dirty, or [we would] fall inside, which wasn't good," Halima shared.

But life is much safer for Halima and the other community members in the Mukaniro Community now.

"Nowadays, even if we play next to the spring, we cannot get [the] water dirty or have fear of falling inside because it is well-fenced and well-protected," she continued.

Having ready access to water from the protected spring has made a difference for Halima, allowing her to play and collect water safely. She no longer has to fear falling into unsafe water.

"[My goal is] just to keep safe and be responsible for helping my parents at home more than before. Also, [I] have time for my personal activities, like visiting friends and personal studies," Halima concluded.

Thank you for helping Halima access clean water and have the time to focus on her studies and relationships. This allows Halima the ability to build a brighter future for herself.

Right now, there are others just like her in neighboring communities that desperately need safe water access. Your support will immediately go to work to provide a clean water project - and we can't wait to introduce you to the next person you'll help.

Halima drinking water.

See The Water Project in Halima's Community »

When you invest in The Water Project, you're investing in people like Halima. Your gifts help us reach more communities with the gift of clean, safe water. And every drop helps unlock potential.

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