A Year Later: Clean Water Brings Better Health!

April, 2024

A year ago, your generous donation helped the Kaghui Community in Kenya access clean water – creating a life-changing moment for Mercy. Thank you!

A Year Later: Clean Water Brings Better Health!

Mercy, 16, recalled what life was like in the Kaghui Community before her community's dug well was installed last year.

"We experienced water scarcity because this area is semi-arid, and the nearby rivers are seasonal. I used to walk more than a kilometer to the unprotected community well, which was usually overcrowded. I spent most of my leisure time after school and during [the] weekends and school holidays fetching water, which negatively [affected] my concentration on classwork. I would [also] walk several hours to the earth dam or scoop hole and return home feeling exhausted," said Mercy.

Collecting water is now simpler for Mercy and the other community members in Kaghui.

"I [am] very happy that this water point is close to my home, and I [only] spend a few minutes to draw water. I no longer fall sick often like before because this shallow well offers clean water that does not expose me to infections like typhoid. My health has greatly improved because I am drinking clean water and do not have to cover long distances when drawing water. I use my time to help my family on the farm and also perform hygiene duties at home," Mercy said.

Having ready access to water from the well has made a difference for Mercy, allowing her to spend time with friends and focus on studying for a brighter future.

"It really feels good to have this project in our village. I get time to interact with my friends and study. I hope to [have] a good job in [the] future so that I can help my community in the fight against water scarcity," said Mercy.

Mercy collecting water.

See The Water Project in Mercy's Community »

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