Musembi, 12, recalled what life was like at Itulu Primary School before his school's rain tank was implemented last year.
"Before the construction of this project, life was very hard. I found it hard to carry water from home every day. I could get very tired because it’s a long stretch from my home to school. Once I got to school, I did not really concentrate in class because my mind would be ringing that in the evening, I [would] have to get water from the River Tawa,” said Musembi.
But life is much less burdensome for Musembi and the other students at Itulu Primary School now.
"Currently, I do not miss classes because the burden of carrying water with me as I come to school is long gone and forgotten. I have plenty of time to play and refresh. I plan to engage in many agricultural projects, both in school and at home," said Musembi.
Having ready access to water from the rain tank has made a difference for Musembi and his school. He now has a sense of security about water in the future, and his school has started an agricultural project of growing passionfruit trees to help with food production in the future.
"I feel secure in terms of [the] water supply in the school. My life is quite good now. I have enough time to study. Also, I am able [to] utilize my free time playing rather than walking for water every now and then,” concluded Musembi.
Thank you for helping Musembi access clean water and have time to study and play.
Right now, there are others just like him in neighboring communities that desperately need safe water access. Your support will immediately go to work to provide a clean water project - and we can’t wait to introduce you to the next person you’ll help.
Musembi helps water the school's passionfruit trees.