A Year Later: Doubled income thanks to water!

May, 2023

A year ago, your generous donation helped Isembe Community in Kenya access clean water – creating a life-changing moment for Alice. Thank you!

A Year Later: Doubled income thanks to water!

Alice, 16, recalled what life was like in Isembe Community before her community’s spring was protected last year.

"Getting water initially was not a good thing anyone would like to do. It was dirty because it was open to all sources of contamination, thus exposing us to waterborne diseases. Just because [I] am a girl and I need water on [a] daily basis, [it] forced me to maneuver," said Alice.

But life is much more enjoyable for Alice and the other community members in Isembe Community now.

"Right now, it is very easy to get water. The water point is well protected with good accessibility. This is serving us well," Alice said.

Having ready access to water from the protected spring has made a difference for Alice and her family, even in how productive her father can be in his trade of making bricks.

"My dad makes bricks for sale, and he uses a lot of this water because it is the main source. Constructing it has really simplified work, for we do not take long to have water. Since it was constructed, the number of bricks made in a day increased from 400 to 800 because of easy accessibility of water," shared Alice.

Thank you for helping Alice and her family access clean water and create a more productive, hopeful future.

Right now, there are others just like Alice in neighboring communities that desperately need safe water access. Your support will immediately go to work to provide a clean water project - and we can’t wait to introduce you to the next person you’ll help.

Alice's dad makes bricks to generate income for their family. His production has doubled with accessible water.


See The Water Project in Alice's Community »

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