A Year Later: Kidinye Secondary School

November, 2017

“There has been tremendous improvement on time management among students. They no longer have to cross over to the primary section to share their sanitation facilities. Besides, they don’t have to carry water from home. The tank water is enough; they are served well through dry season till rainfall comes again.”

A Year Later:  Kidinye Secondary School

A year ago, generous donors helped build a rainwater harvesting tank and latrines for the Kidinye School in Western Kenya. Because of these gifts and support from our monthly donors, partners are able to visit project sites throughout the year, strengthening relationships with communities and evaluating the actual water project. These consistent visits allow us to learn vital lessons and hear amazing stories – we’re excited to share this one from our WEWASAFO partner, Erick Wagaka, with you.

Many secondary schools in Kenya are built adjacent to the primary school for the community.  This is the case with the Kidinye Secondary School, and prior to the implementation of the rainwater harvesting tank project at the secondary school, one water source was serving two schools.  According to Erick Wakanga, many students at Kidinye are orphaned and are staying with grandparents, which makes it difficult for the families of the student body to raise enough funds for clean water. The water tank has opened many opportunities for the students this year.  Wakanga also shared that the WEWASAFO hygiene and sanitation programs that train students to train other students have had a great impact on the health of the school.

The project at Kidinye has not only had impact on health, but has also unlocked much of the educational potential among the students.  James Wanjala, age 18, testifies, “We now have plenty of water to wash our plates after eating lunch and for mopping our classes. As a result, cases of students reporting stomachaches have reduced drastically. Besides, it feels so nice, quite encouraging and very conducive to be learning in a clean environment. The extra time created by having the water in school is also used for holding mathematics discussions. As a consequence, personally, I have registered positive results in mathematics since then.”

Benard Hoka is a director of studies and the sports master at the school.  He shares, “The project has helped to manage movement of students out of school in search of both water and latrine for use. Meals are also being prepared on time because water is ever available to the cooks. Apart from contributing to the increase in students’ population by 70 new students, the school mean grade also increased from B- {minus} in 2015 to B {plain} in 2016. On part of sanitation, cleaning is now being done thrice per week unlike before when it was done once. Moreover, we can now host sports without having the stress of buying water for players.”

The ongoing survival of many schools in Kenya are threatened if they are not able to provide water and sanitary facilities for the schools, yet it is difficult for parents to pay these expenses in addition to usual school fees.  The Water Project and WEWASAFO have targeted schools just like this because of the potential that can be unlocked for both students and staff when clean water and sanitation is available.

We know that the positive changes at Kidinye Secondary School from clean water access and healthy lifestyle changes will have ripples of impact throughout their school, their community, and in the surrounding areas.  We are excited to stay in touch with this school and to report the news as they continue on their journey with clean water.

The Water Project and our partners are committed to consistent monitoring of each water source. Our monitoring and evaluation program, made possible by monthly donors, allows us to visit communities up to 4 times a year. Read more about our program and how you can help.

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