Emma Has Time to Set Goals!

April, 2024

A year ago, your generous donation helped the Santiguiya Neneh Community in Sierra Leone access clean water – creating a life-changing moment for Emma. Thank you!

Emma Has Time to Set Goals!

In March 2023, your generosity helped install a well in the Santiguiya Neneh Community.

Emma recalled what life was like before her community's well was installed.

"Before, to fetch water in my village [was] very difficult, especially the swamp water. I walked a long distance to access water, and this water source [was] surrounded by bush, and [I was] always afraid of snakes. This caused me to be scared [of] going to the stream alone to fetch water. Walking on a bad road [with] a bucket of water on the head is not easy. It pained me [the] most," said Emma.

Collecting water is now less strenuous for Emma and the other community members and students in Santiguiya Neneh.

"When I drink this water, I always feel good, and since this water well been provided to us, [there is] no more walking long distances to access water. The burden of fetching water has [been] reduced. Now, I get water easily and return home quickly. It's [had] a great impact on my life to have access to clean and safe water," continued Emma.

Emma at the well.

Having ready access to water from the well has made a difference for Emma, allowing her to dream about her future goals.

"Now, I have access to this waterpoint, and it will help me to achieve my goals. Before, I went to school late, but now I go to school on time. I have enough time to study at home [and] also do my homework. The pressure of fetching water at home has reduced. Thank you for providing this water well," concluded Emma.

See The Water Project in Emma's Community »

When you invest in The Water Project, you're investing in people like Emma. Your gifts help us reach more communities with the gift of clean, safe water. And every drop helps unlock potential.

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