In March 2023, your generosity helped install a well in the Santiguiya Neneh Community.
Emma recalled what life was like before her community's well was installed.
"Before, to fetch water in my village [was] very difficult, especially the swamp water. I walked a long distance to access water, and this water source [was] surrounded by bush, and [I was] always afraid of snakes. This caused me to be scared [of] going to the stream alone to fetch water. Walking on a bad road [with] a bucket of water on the head is not easy. It pained me [the] most," said Emma.
Collecting water is now less strenuous for Emma and the other community members and students in Santiguiya Neneh.
"When I drink this water, I always feel good, and since this water well been provided to us, [there is] no more walking long distances to access water. The burden of fetching water has [been] reduced. Now, I get water easily and return home quickly. It's [had] a great impact on my life to have access to clean and safe water," continued Emma.
Emma at the well.
Having ready access to water from the well has made a difference for Emma, allowing her to dream about her future goals.
"Now, I have access to this waterpoint, and it will help me to achieve my goals. Before, I went to school late, but now I go to school on time. I have enough time to study at home [and] also do my homework. The pressure of fetching water at home has reduced. Thank you for providing this water well," concluded Emma.