Today, life at Joyland Special Secondary School looks much different than it did about a year ago when we first installed their rain tank, latrines, and handwashing stations in the schools compound.
When you walk into the school, you spot a neat, well-maintained compound and this can be attributed to the sanitation and hygiene training conducted at the school which did emphasize environmental cleanliness. Before installation of the tank, the quality of life for the institution members was a threat considering the unavailability of clean, sufficient water and this is now a thing of the past as they can now access clean, safe water at all times.
The availability of safe water is critical not just for health reasons, but also for social and economic development. Installation of the water facility has brought about positive changes to the school and currently, the students are spending more time in class compared to years back, when they were still having to leave campus in search of water.
Mr. Opiyo, a teacher at Joyland Special Secondary School, said there have been many positive changes that have come along with the project installation.
"Currently, the students' academic time has been saved as the students can now access water much easier and faster compared to back then when water was a threat to the sustainability of the school. The school has been able to save some coins that were once catered for [the] supply of water from the vendors."
"Water stored in the tank is secure as it is treated and we are a witness to that. Hygiene standards have improved drastically thanks to the WaSH training conducted at the school. Construction of the tank has influenced enrollment of more students in the school."
One student, 16-year-old Solomon Otieno, shared his perspective on how the projects have impacted his experience as a learner at Joyland Special Secondary School.
"The water and sanitation project in my school has brought about positive changes in my life and this has made my stay here in school much [more] comfortable and relaxed. I now can access clean, safe water for my personal use as the water is treated at all times."
"I have been able to create ample time for my studies as the issue of overcrowding is now a thing of the past as water is available. I am experiencing a positive change in my academic performance thanks to the project."