Giving Update: Kala Community Hand-Dug Well

October, 2019

A year ago, your generous donation helped Kala community in Kenya access clean water – creating a life-changing moment for Felix Kaunda. Thank you!

Giving Update: Kala Community Hand-Dug Well

In the past year, Kala community members have experienced great changes in their livelihoods as a result of their sand dam and hand-dug shallow well water project. Among the greatest improvements in their lives has been the reduced distance covered to the water source and the quality of water attained from it.

"The project has been very resourceful to us in the past year because our lives have been made easier," said Felistus Kyalo.

"A time like this in the previous years, we would be trekking to the dry river beds to dig scoop holes under the scorching sun. Now, everything is different. Access to clean drinking water is no longer hectic as it was before."

Community members are very excited because they can access the water point easily. The community members now walk for less than 200 meters to get water to meet their daily needs.

As a result of the water project, there is plenty of water which is fresh for consumption. The environment here has improved. It is serene and very cool. There is green vegetation everywhere near the sand dam project.

"The project has been very helpful to me and it has challenged me to work harder. There has been water available throughout the year, a phenomenon that has not been experienced in the region for a while," said Felix Kaunda.

"I have used the water to plant vegetables in my farm. Our livestock come to drink water from the river which is nearer and safer compared to where we used to walk before."

The vegetation cover has improved thus providing adequate food for the livestock.

Hygiene and sanitation practices such as handwashing, cleaning of the latrines, and washing the house, among other chores, are easily performed due to easy access to water. Cases of waterborne diseases such as typhoid are unheard of because the members are aware of the water treatment practices needed to keep their water clean and safe for drinking.

"Through the hygiene and sanitation training we received, we are now equipped with knowledge of water treatment which has helped in reducing the risks of contracting diseases," said Mrs. Kyalo.

"We have been washing our hands before and after meals because we were trained on setting up tippy tap handwashing stations and making soap. Our latrines are cleaned often and we also use ash to reduce odor."

See The Water Project in Felix Kaunda's Community »

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