Giving Update: Kapkemich Primary School

February, 2021

A year ago, your generous donation helped Kapkemich Primary School in Kenya access clean water – creating a life-changing moment for Beatrice. Thank you!

Giving Update: Kapkemich Primary School

"The water and sanitation project at this school has meant all the positive difference in my academic success."

"Back then, before the installation of the facility, pupils used to go out of school to fetch water and this would eat into our normal classes. Going to fetch water as a group led to overcrowding at the water point, forcing some of us to carry dirty water to school, especially when there was no teacher to supervise."

"Ever since the project was installed in my school, my academic performance has drastically improved as now I am above average, hoping to do my best in the next examinations."

"Right now, we have plenty of water for drinking, cleaning, and washing."

"At the moment, the students are thrilled that they no longer have to carry water to school each day just to have something to drink and even to clean our classes."

"Cases of infections are now a thing of the past thanks to the availability of clean, safe water in the school compound."

"Currently, with the existence of the water point in our school, life looks much different today thanks to our partners. To date, we have not experienced any water challenges."

Field Officer Samuel Simidi, Beatrice, and Teacher Wycliffe Khamali at the rain tank before the pandemic.

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