Giving Update: Kithoni Secondary School

October, 2019

A year ago, your generous donation helped Kithoni Secondary School in Kenya access clean water – creating a life-changing moment for Stephen Kasanga. Thank you!

Giving Update: Kithoni Secondary School

Kithoni Secondary School has experienced a surplus supply of water in the past year. The water tank constructed a year ago has given the school a great facelift and reputation in the locality.

Students marvel at the abundant water supply. They are more jovial and energetic than before, and not so grumpy and tired because they are enjoying the surplus supply of clean drinking water in the school. That is in large part due to the fact that they no longer carry jerry cans of water to school every day since it is available from the tank.

"This has been a great relief because it was a very exhausting task," said 18-year-old student Stephen Kasanga, reflecting back on when he had to carry water to school each day.

"Students are provided with well-prepared food and clean drinking water after meals. As a result, concentration levels have increased and academic performance has also improved."

The water is fresh and very sweet for drinking, say the students and staff. Everyone is happy and content with the school water tank project.

The school routine flows seamlessly with fewer disruptions from class. The school management has improved, and using the other water storage tanks, the students are able to undertake their projects effectively and efficiently. Stephen said that the agriculture students are able to work on their projects on the school farm now that there is enough water for irrigation.

"School life has been much better and easier in the past year thanks to the water tank project. There are no challenges hampering our journey to academic excellence," he said.

School farm plot

The school environment has perked up, too. There are many trees planted by the students and flowers which really beautify the surroundings.

Hygiene and sanitation have improved greatly, and the compound is well organized since the sanitation and hygiene training they received as a part of the project. The handwashing stations are functional and a handwashing culture has been assimilated by the students.

"There's plenty of drinking water and the students have adopted a handwashing culture which makes us so proud as a school," noted Deputy Principal Isaac Kisingu.

Deputy Principal Isaac Kisingu gets a drink from the rain tank

Latrines are washed frequently and this is clearly evident due to the cleanliness observed and the water facilities erected near the latrines.

"The water tank has relieved the school of [the] great burdens and financial strains it incurred in the past years. We are very excited and thankful for the support granted and for heeding our call," Mr. Kisingu said.

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